Providing security and peace of mind for business.

Our Services

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Security Guards & Training

Our security guards are highly trusted, trained professionals. Led by retired police officers, our guards specialize in providing services that include mobile patrols, facility posts, and event security. Training Sessions can include disgruntled employee training, termination escorting, and active shooter training. Security awareness training is a formal process for educating employees about computer security and should educate employees about policies & procedures for working with Information Technology.

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Organizational Security

CLG Security & Consulting can conduct a full
organizational security assessment to assist you in determining the risk factors within your organization.
We will work with your management team to identify
and secure your organization from a policy, procedures
and operational perspective.
Give us a call. Our experience in FBI and Police
Techniques will resonate with your needs. 


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Technology Implementation

Let us assess your technological security needs.
Anyone can install cameras. Ok, maybe not anyone.
CLG Security & Consulting recommends a
a comprehensive strategy of technologies that
will limit your liabilities.

Monitoring, mobile guard technologies, and
vehicle tracking is all at our disposal.


Fingerprinting Services

CLG Security & Consulting is a CJIS-authorized provider of secure Livescan fingerprint services in Bowie, MD. We provide a broad range of convenient, safe, and secure state and FBI electronic fingerprinting to the general public including but not limited to state and/or federal employment, licensing, domestic and international adoption, immigration visas, and more. Livescan fingerprints are made electronically by professional, certified fingerprint technicians using state-of-the-art equipment. Book your appointment here.


“Happiness has many roots, but none more important than security.”

— Edward Stettinius Jr.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.